Buried Treasure
5 July 2005
I love this movie! I first caught it at about 4 in the morning on Cinemax, back in the mid-90s and could not stop laughing at the bizarre tale of a con man on the run hiding out in a trailer park with the whitest of trash. While their he meets up with a porn star, a Hungarian movie star, and assorted other oddball characters that make this movie a lot of fun. Max Perrish and Adrienne Shelly both deserved to have better careers than they had after this came out. Both are great in their roles as Eli and the jail bait animal lover who falls in love with him. This might not be for everybody, but those who like an offbeat black comedy may find this well worth checking out. We need a DVD release! There are two versions floating around on VHS, an R rated and an Unrated...the difference coming, I believe, early on in the movie when Sabre first brings the drunken Eli home to her trailer and has her way with him. Despite this scene, the movie is low on the sleaze factor actually, with the only nudity coming from Parrish's butt...and it is kinda strange that they did two versions, but whichever you do manage to pick up (I bought the unrated for about $3) you will probably find it to be a few bucks wells spent.
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