Sex & the Single Mom (2003 TV Movie)
In No Way Resembles Real Life, but Still Cheesy Fun
9 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this one when it came out, then again last night with the new sequel, and just had to comment.

I really like Gail O'Grady and I think she does a good job with her character. The daughter is also well played and is a fairly realistic portrait of some 15 year olds (I have one myself, fortunately she has a much better self concept than Sara!) The situation is interesting, with Jess being a little more than mildly hypocritical, and Grant Show is certainly nice to look at. Those are the good parts...

On the bad side, Jess's neighbor is not to be believed. I don't know ANY moms who would let their teenage son, in the age of AIDS and other nasty STDs, "do it" at home because "he's going to do it somewhere". Give me a break.

Then there's the whole unbelievably rosy "I can do it all" ending. SURE, ANYONE can have a baby, go to law school, and continue their successful paralegal career uninterrupted! SURE, EVERY 15 year old is willing to sacrifice her all-important social schedule to care for Mom's new baby and, sure, good old Grandma will gladly sacrifice her peaceful golden years to babysit that little guy every day! We'll just buy two of everything and she'll pitch right in. MY MOTHER would have been on the first plane out of town!!

Oh well, you have to take it for what it is: a guilty pleasure. Lifetime Movies are kind of like junk food: you know they can't POSSIBLY be good for you, but you just can't help yourself!!
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