The Alarmist (1997)
This is a HILARIOUS comedy. Arquette & Tucci are at their best.
11 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
How anyone can say anything bad about this film shocks me.

It is what indie films should be. Funny, unique, amusing, well made, off-beat. Why did the studio bury it? I guess it's hard to sell a film when you knock off one of the main characters early in the film. But I think Dunsky (the writer-director) just did WHAT NEEDED to be done for the integrity of the film.

Tucci is at his best when he is under Arquette's pressure. And watch out for Mary McCormack (Mrs. Howard Stern in PRIVATE PARTS) that lady can act!

This movie was at many major film festivals and got some great reviews (that I dug up). Siskel and Ebert loved it (on their TV show only - for some reason they never wrote up a review of it).

SEE THIS MOVIE but don't expect a juvenile comedy off the shelf from a major studio. Expect to be surprised and you'll have a good time.
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