Review of Dig!

Dig! (2004)
Dandy ***holes!
14 July 2005
Don't believe the hype. Everything that I'd seen and read about this movie foretold that it would be a great experience. What I got when I went to the cinema was a regression to the wasted years of youth. The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre both seem to make interesting and enjoyable enough music but it was hard to pick out individual tunes or really say for certain because of a lot of chopping and changing of the music being played (surely to try and inject some much-needed pace) or because it was from a poorly record live set or impromptu back-garden performance. There's no production quality here and no acting here, at least not acting as we know it although all the band members here are acting in some way - play acting, acting the fool, acting mature, acting superior, acting as if none of it matters. It all stank of teenage wannabes and people who've just discovered the 60s and think that they can somehow bring all that forward to the present in one form or other. I found the supercillious nature of the Dandys, once they had found success, to be immodest and forgetful of what it nearly came to. Meanwhile, the willful self-destruction of Anton (of the Brian Jonestown Massacre) was self-centred to the point of being psychotic, autistic, schizophrenic or maybe a combination of all three. While a good insight to many things is given in this movie, and while footage was shot over many years, there is still not enough content here to really fill a feature length documentary. A one hour special would have easily done the job and with a better punch but that might have been "too commercial" or too much in "with the suits" for those involved. It was all hanging around people who thought they were changing the world by taking drugs. Good fun if you were there, mostly boring as a straight and sober bystander. Full of wannabes but having said that, without wannabes there's be few superstars. Watch it on TV - you'll lose nothing!
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