Review of Zombiez

Zombiez (2005 Video)
Don't waste your time
14 July 2005
I feel sorry for the guy before me who paid $3.50 for this movie, we paid $2.09...

I've seen just about every zombie movie ever made. I've read all sorts of zombie books. And I've played all sorts of zombie games. I know zombies. This movie is anything BUT a zombie movie.

First off the horrible production value, looks like they made this with a personal camera, and the acting sucked. The "zombies" first start out by beating people with meat cleavers or a sickle. Stupid? Yea i thought so too. Then instead of eating them, they tear at the clothing and squish raw meat in their hands.

I understand that for a movie like this the SFX budget is maybe $20, which they used to buy the sickles and meat cleavers...and even the occasional Dollar store "Pirate Sword", but at least make the violence look decent.

The story makes no sense. Starts out with zombies beating people, then the main female character "Joe" going home to her husband and for some reason stripping down to her under pants and sitting on a bed talking, then sleeping for 5 minutes to have "zombies" break into their HUGE apartment.

This is where the story gets confusing. Joe is attacked by a "Zombie" and taken to the factory she works in while a guy is torturing someone with a Power Drill. THen while looking for a phone, Joe wanders into the forest...A FOREST IN JERSEY!!!! Why would a phone be in the forest? Don't be fooled by the box art for this movie. There are no staggering zombies, no sewer zombies, hell turns out they aren't even zombies. They are more like gang members who plan to take over the streets by killing people and selling their remains in a pie! No I'm not kidding To keep from ruining this steaming pile of a movie I'm going to end it here. If you still wanna see this movie, buy a gun to shoot your DVD player then yourself for watching this movie.

My rating wouldn't fit here cause the IMDb scale only goes to 1...It deserves far less...
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