Blízko nebe (2005)
CLOSE TO HEAVEN is the last bohemian hotel in Prague!
15 July 2005
I just saw the film

CLOSE TO HEAVEN is truly the last bohemian hotel in Prague. This film takes a peek into the lives of the long-term residents over the coarse of one day's unique series of events....from each character's point of view.

Samuel, one of the hotel's eclectic denizens, tells us his story and introduces us to the mix of intriguing characters at Close To Heaven Hotel -- the beautiful Emily from Sweden, the Siamese twins Kira & Mina, the illusionist Ernest, a group of seniors who gather to talk with spirits, Gut the hotelier, mysterious Mr. Jeigermiester on the first floor and Samuel's own extended African family.

The day unfolds varying perspectives which culminates in........?

OK. As an ex-pat living in Prague, I loved it! The art direction, the characters, the music!!!, the "idea" of community in this wonderfully strange little hotel....I really enjoyed the time with these people!

This is not a "brain candy" film where you sit down and turn your brain off. It's not at all like a typical linear US film which bangs you over the head with it's simplistic storyline. CLOSE TO HEAVEN is an experience.... for me it was a joy to meet these intriguing characters in this intriguing place where each perspective of what is happening is different from the other. The music is very cool as well......way cool!
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