I, Robot (2004)
Surprisingly true adaptation
17 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had read Isaac Asimov's books as a kid, and when this movie came out I was apprehensive. The Robot Novels were essentially detectives stories, more about solving a puzzle than blowing up anything. The preview made it look like an action movie. I was surprised, in a good way, to find out the movie remained more about puzzle solving. There are action scenes, but it is the detective side that is most apparent.

In Asimov's books the laws of robotics were never broken. This may have lacked some imagination on his part, but I would still rather the movies be loyal to the books, so I also feared a significant diversion on the part of the movie. But again it stayed true to the books, finding an interesting way for the robots to be dangerous to humans.

Will Smith is good, more nuanced, and Bruce Greenwood, who initially came across as the clichéd corporate villain, ends up being a more interesting character. Even Bridget Moynahan, who I'd never been impressed with before, gives a perfect performance. The only weakness is Shia LeBouf, who is a good actor, but his character does not have any place in this movie, save one good line about Bridget Moynahan firing a gun.

Although based mainly on the Caves of Steel, the movie still has its own plot, but like any good adaptation it keeps the base of the original. I don't know if other Asimov fans would take to it, but I think this was as good a version of his work as there will ever be.
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