An early series, rather than a serial
17 July 2005
This film was a series of adventures that Marguerite had to endure before she could get married. Marguerite Cortot was barely eighteen years old when she starred in these films. Not all of the chapters survive, but one that does is chapter four, THE VIELED PRIESTESS.

Marguerite is investigating a middle-eastern mystic. At the same time, her uncle disapproves of her penniless boyfriend, Hal. The mystic offers the uncle riches if he will allow Marguerite to become a priestess in his strange religion. Hal happens to find another woman who was promised to be a high priestess, but was duped out of her money instead. When the scam is exposed, the mystic's henchmen kidnap Marguerite, Hal, and the other woman. However, Marguerite has her own idea about getting out of this jam.

Because this film is only 10 minutes, it really breezes along quickly. The photography is very sharp, and these are quite a few closeups for such an early film. It could use a few more title cards to help explain the action, especially at the end of the film. If you are a fan of early serials, you might find this film interesting.
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