Review of Bite Me!

Bite Me! (2004 Video)
Not bad, even though it wants to be.
17 July 2005
This premeditated camp aspires to be "so bad it's good" and nearly succeeds. Shot with direct-to-DVD porn-like production values and some "Ice Pirates" level monster effects, it manages to be somewhat entertaining. There are no scares, little gore (the monsters are fragile, tarantula-sized ticks, that can be dispatched into a pint of splashing fake blood with a rolled-up newspaper), some laughs and a few groans. The presence of naked ladies seems calculated to win the movie a Friday night pay channel spot. Extras include an interview with star Misty Mundae--herself an aspiring filmmaker. One suspects that if the makers of "Bite Me!" aimed just a little higher they may actually hit the mark, but they are content to stay on the low road.
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