Review of A Hard Wash

A Hard Wash (1896)
Political Correctness
23 July 2005
Having seen this film a long time ago, it wouldn't surprise me if it became the target of so-called "political correctness" in the present climate of New Labour Hypocrisy. Sure enough, the previous entry here has attracted a comment from one of this appalling brigade of interfering nonentities who haven't the intelligence to understand that any film, especially the early ones like this, is a reflection of its own time and culture. Who exactly is this "politically correct" judge who can sit there and state that a film of a black woman washing her little boy is racist and is therefore disgusting? What these stupid, ignorant hypocrites never realise is that THEY are the real racists. It is because of their narrow-mindedness that some people are led to believe there is something odd about a black kid being washed, whereas white kids naturally wash seven times a day. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see that this film is a bit of fun. A kid has been playing and has got dirty, so his mum washes him: doesn't matter if the people concerned are white, black, brown, yellow, red or Martian. Unless of course you are one of the righteous few who thinks Blair and his ridiculous wife should be canonised.
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