Pizza My Heart (2005 TV Movie)
Perfect for its venue
24 July 2005
I don't usually take time to watch TV movies with commercials, but this was on at a good time, featured actors I like, and had a catchy title. Never mind that this story has been made many times over (Romeo & Juliet, if you didn't already know)...familiarity with the plot in this case adds to its charm, even though one knows in advance that there will be few, if any, surprises.

In this version, competing restaurants/recipes provide fuel for the families' feud, adding a new twist to an old tale. Although I knew half way through how the feud would resolve from the pizza perspective (one knows from the outset how the romance will resolve), I must admit without giving anything away that I had not foretold the catalyst, despite several clues.

One thing that not all R&J adaptations have is a romantic subplot in addition to the main one; but the one here was just as touching, if not more so, due perhaps to its unexpectedness, than the main one. I'm a sucker for a warm-hearted love story, especially when presented in the context of strong, close-knit families; and these two love stories together had me making my way to the kitchen for tissues more than once toward the end.

I rate this movie based on its context in addition to traditional factors; thus, for a TV movie, it scores well in my book.
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