Brilliant, timeless film
31 July 2005
Ten years after it was made, this film is more relevant than ever. Glenn Close is brilliant as Col. Cammermeyer.

This film could not have been more well-made. Technically it is sublime. The acting is perfect. The story is clearly told such that any viewer could understand Cammermeyer's situation. And the love story is touching and beautiful.

This film deserves to be seen by every American. It should be required viewing for all American military personnel. It puts a face on the greatest injustice ever inflicted by America's armed forces, an injustice that is still far from being eliminated. It is a story that needs to be told today and every day until Americans wake up and stand up for justice. America's gay soldiers have been abused and had their lives ruined by the US Armed Forces for far too long, even as gay soldiers serve in a far more heroic fashion than their straight counterparts.
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