The Snake King (2005 TV Movie)
Oh dear, not another one...
7 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Snake King is one of the dumbest movies I have ever stumbled upon. The CGI has somewhat improved over other giant snake movies like Boa and Python, but is still pretty bad. The plot is bad and somewhat ripped off from Anacondas (a decent snake movie. The acting is also not very good either (although Stephan Baldwin did an acceptable job, although he was the only one). Snake King may look like it could be a pretty decent low-budget snake movie and at first, I thought it was going to be, but boy was I surprised. Like I said, this movie has several ripoffs from Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid, which was released the year earlier and became a moderately successful snake movie. This movie totally rips off it. First off, a scientific team recovers a specimen from the Amazon (like the first orchid found) and they learn that it (a human corpse in a tomb) was hundreds of years old before it died. And they learned that it was the Fountain of Youth (like how the Orchid promotes longer lifespans). So, a team is sent down into the Amazon to recover more of this life-extending substance so that they can sell it (another ripoff). And they run into a gigantic snake, although this one's a gigantic creature with multiple heads (not very convincing actually). On their trip down, they come across the village of Amazonians (ripoff again), but this time it's got people in it, who worship the giant snake. Eventually, most of the team wants to just get out of the Amazon, while one wants to continue (just like in Anacondas). And the snake kills off him and all who follow him. And speaking of the Amazonians, they totally ruined the plot. For a while, the story is concentrated on the snake and then it goes right to the dumb and boring people who worship it and stays with them until the ending, where the snake finally reappears. And what's more, it doesn't get killed. Overall, Snake King is a dumb movie that tried to be what Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid was, but failed miserably.
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