Beneath the Planet of the Very Silly Confused Head Shaking Hollywood Filmmakers
7 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing this movie for the first time in 25 years, my first reaction is to say "Um . . . okay" and back off as if I had encountered some psychotic rambling junkie who was fascinating but somehow dangerous.

I was a big fan of the Apes movies as a kid and I did remember this for not quite living up to the original, so I was prepared for all that . .. what I wasn't quite prepared for was something so incoherent on its own terms as well as the terms of being a sequel.

I still don't quite understand why Dr. Zaius allowed the gorillas to storm the Forbidden Zone to attack an unknown enemy, that doesn't make any sense.

Why was Brent on a rescue mission for Taylor? I thought traveling to the future was the point of Taylor's mission. And if it was an aberration in time, as they suggested, why was this aberration consistent enough to get Brent there a few weeks after Taylor landed?

Why were the mutants wearing masks? How did they get that big atomic bomb up there anyhow? Who were they trying to hide their faces from?

There are so many details like this that don't quite click about this movie.

Bizarre and incoherent. Sure, worth watching as an oddity but . . . I bet the cartoon TV show Return to the Planet of the Apes was made more sense . . . as a bonus, it did feature Brent and Nova as characters . . .
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