Plater's apparent extremist political views come through disastrously in this weak sequel.
9 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This last installment is not up to the original in several ways. It is not as funny, rather short on laughs, and the authors apparent political leanings are in your face evident! I assume because of the success of the first mini-series, The Beiderbecke Affair, Plater was emboldened to throw in his apparent extremist political beliefs into this one.

Jill calls her baby Carl after lovable Carl Marx. That's real normal if you're a communist! In the first series Big Al was hinted at being a communist calling everyone "brother" and I believe he even makes some out-and-out comments. Jane was suppose to be liberal and be a conservationist.

In this one she is an out-and-out communist and then makes several oxymoronic statements about being for "peace" and "democracy." Jill also dislikes the mere mention of morals, no wonder she's a communist! I'm sorry, but this was really a disappointment! Plater used this series to push his socio-political beliefs in the guise of a comedy mini-series.
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