A hidden gem
11 August 2005
I found this movie while searching through a reduced DVD bin. But once I saw Vincent D'onofrio in the lead I knew I would not be disappointed; and of course I wasn't.

He is one of the most talented and underrated actors gracing the indie screen today. Although he has had several big budget roles (MIB-The Cell to name a couple) he is a character actor and does extremely well with character driven films.

I'd never heard of Robert E. Howard until I watched the WWW and I couldn't think of a better person to introduce him to me than Mr. D'onofrio. The way he portrays his tortured existence and his need for companionship and acceptance was done with such brilliance and conviction, you can really appreciate how much Bob Howard lived inside his own head and yet longed to be part of the world around him.

Renee Zellweger also turned in a notable performance as Novaline Price. She skillfully portrayed the love, hope and irritation she often had for Bob. Together D'onofrio and Zellwegger not only showed the pain of unrequited love, but the richness of friendship.

I recommend this film to anyone looking for great acting, wonderful cinematography and a delightful score. Curl up, turn the lights down, and enjoy. I promise the characters will stay with you long after the final credits.
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