More Music Video than Documentary
12 August 2005
I'd like to offer a shiny review of this film, however this one seemed to me more eye candy than substance. There are many points were you'd expect some substantiation to the sound bites you hear from protagonists, bystanders, corporate leaders, or politicians. Instead you get taken off to more imagery or repetition of the same idea (Max Headroom style). You'd think a picture would be worth a thousand words, but in this case I don't think I learned anything remotely new, and the film isn't likely to win any converts.

Perhaps the sound bite format is intentional. Who knows? A film is supposed to be an artist's venue for expression so why try to hamper your own message using this stifling technique. You have a whole film to say something so why waste it? In a very basic sense you might walk away with a general feeling of "consumerism bad...primitivism good" (or one of the two) but then again the proponent of this idea is made to look like a bit of a moron and often the counter arguments seem stronger than those that the movie title suggest. In short the arguments this film makes which support the title theme could be torn to shreds in a second in their current format.
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