Better than average disaster flick
13 August 2005
Tense film that wastes no time with unnecessary subplots or characterizations. The film has a documentary-like realism, enhanced by the use of an unseen narrator, the omission of background music, and the destruction of an actual cruise liner for the production of the film. Modest and taut, The Last Voyage is superior to the bloated Titanic and the campy Poseidon Adventure. The film gets right to the situation and you'll keep watching as Robert Stack tries to rescue his wife and daughter amidst the surrounding chaos, and Dorothy Malone is very effective as his wife who is trapped under debris. For its time (1960), the film is notable for the fact that the hero, played by Woody Strode, just happens to be black;Sidney Poitier couldn't have played it better. Gripping film, well-done.
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