Nekromantik 2 (1991)
The wedlock between Thanatos and Eros.
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is quite a beautiful course of death, and I should like to think that those who became enamored of Nekromantik,also here should find a maggoty morsel or two, to satiate their rotten pallets. I certainly did. Necrophilia has no favorites, and this time around, the haunts are reserved for the ladies. And who ever said that a corpse is worse off in the tender and dismembering hands of a woman, than in a mans'? This destructive little thing tells the tale of Monika, a nurse, whose greatest wish when coming home,after caring for her patients, is to have an absolutely still and passive face to greet her lovingly. And what better cadaverous candidate, than good old Rob whose been nursing coffin-boards for the last five years? A beautiful relationship soon evolves, and in the loving hands of Monika, Rob soon learns how to part with those tiresome appendages one calls legs, arms and head. But it seems that love moves in mysterious ways, and while her decaying amour is patiently waiting in a plastic bag, a second relationship between Monika and porno-voice-over-dubber Mark ensues. At first Mark seems completely at ease with this new found affair, but as time progresses, he is faced with, among others, the question: "Is a severed, rotten penis your everyday, refrigerator affair?" While Mark have seemed to be the most eager in the relationship, Monika on the other hand is sporting a deadened, sour face(Sexy, nevertheless!), which according to the German psychiatrist Erich Fromm in his great book "The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness", is often a hallmark characteristic of a necrophile. And exactly what kind of necrophile is Monika? In order to interpret the blood-feast to come, in which she at the climax of sex decides to saw off Marks head while still on top of a writhing him, one could see it from two angles. 1. She has mixed feelings regarding necrophilia, it is hard to come to terms with(In the beginning she vomits when she fondles Rob.) the loneliness of love for the dead, and Mark could represent her genuine hope of connecting with Life as well as Death. She has no intent of killing Mark, but in the battle between the fresh spring-shoot and the moldy, autumn leave, Death proves to be the victor, and in the end she must succumb to her lust for murder. 2. She is a calculating dame, and from the very beginning she is dead set on procuring for herself a fresh body. She really doesn't fancy Marks face, and do not need another one since she has Robs to begin with, and what better thing to do than wed Robs head with Marks body?! In my opinion both angles are just as plausible. While Nekromantik relied minimally on dialogue, and was perhaps a bit more surreal and introspective( Not to say that Nekromantik 2 isn't.Far from it!), part 2 has got more dialogue. Except from the obviously bigger budget this time, and that it has a woman leading the show, that is probably the only difference between the two. While I find the end sequence in Nekromantik rewarding and special, nothing had prepared me for the end sequence in Nekromantik 2!! The first time I saw it, it blew me away. Even if you are a seasoned gore-hound, I can almost guarantee you that you have never seen an ending as bloody and bizarre as this! F**king excellent! The music comes yet again courtesy of Daktari Lorenz,John Boy Walton and Herman Kopp, and this time Mark Reeder(playing the part of Mark.) has thrown in a few tunes as well. If you decide to buy the double disc edition of this sweet candy, listen especially to Reeders "Nekrowaltz" and "Pure", Waltons "Menage A Trois", and Kopps "Supper"! Perfect. I love the films, and I love the music! And that's the end of it.
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