A great film, but a poor horror movie
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book, nor had i seen any sort of promotion for this film when a friend popped it into my DVD player. I know Stephen King has written novels which arnet of the genre "horror" but, this one definitely presents itself as a horror flick, especially with its DVD menu. If that is what your looking for (a film to scare you and keep you on the edge) i can tell you that this isn't it. As a horror movie, its very weak, even boring and fails to terrify the audience so if thats what your looking for pass this by.

However, as a "drama" this film is exceptional. Mainly because King writes his characters so well. Thats what this film is about, its a character study showing the internal quest of a young man who is unsatisfied with life. Really, its about finding a will to live.

The beginning of the film in my opinion contains one of the most disturbing scenes caught on film and it certainly left an impact on me, as did the films dark atmosphere. But, after the main character attempts suicide (the scene i was talking about) the film really isn't scary and it shouldn't be labeled as a scary film.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this film was straight to video, so it has a low budget feel to it, sorta like a TV movie. The acting is good but the actors are nobody's (yes David Arquette is a nobody too).

So, in conclusion, if your looking for a film to investigate the mind of a character and his internal struggle, rent this movie. If you liked the book, rent this movie. But if you just want a mindless good time, stay away from this film. Maybe i suggest Candyman? or IT? instead.

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