a one joke picture--and the joke's not even funny.
17 August 2005
Provided you LOVE the single joke in this movie, you'll probably enjoy the film. That's because Woody Allen took an old Japanese spy film and re-dubbed it with hilarious(?) new dialog. And that's the fundamental problem of the movie--if you LIKE the joke, you're in luck and if not, you'll be bored half to death. I must admit, though, that although I tried to sit through all the movie TWICE, I kept turning it off after a while because I just didn't think it was funny. Please understand, I was NOT offended by the material--I just didn't think it was cute or funny--just tedious. It's pretty bad when the original plot has been completely changed--now spies are killing each other in search of a secret recipe for egg salad. Ha, ha,...this is killing me. Well, maybe not literally--but I sure WANTED to die rather than sit and listen to jokes that made Get Smart seem sophisticated and witty. If you want a funnier film, watch just about anything--even a test pattern on late night TV!
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