Review of Z

Z (1969)
The films of Costa-Gavras: Z
18 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Z (1969) was a controversial film that documents the events in Greece that led to the exile of many people (including the director). A conservative government was trying to maintain political power (and receive more favors from the United States). They held "elections" but one candidate had charisma and with his left wing leanings was marked for erasure. But the government just couldn't do it publicly, so they out sourced the job to a bunch of right wing thugs. They do the job but the people wanted justice. So a public investigator was hired to look into a possible conspiracy. Even though his politics were pretty far right, he wanted to do his job and discovers a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top. The government officials persuaded him to drop the case, His morals wont allow him to do so. The indictments are handed out. But before any legal action can be taken place, a lot of the people involved either disappear or have nasty accidents. A military cabal was formed and there would be no more talk about free elections. The name of the dead politician would forever be remembered by the letter '"Z".

This is an awesome film. I was completely blown away by it. Oliver Stone must have liked it to because he loosely based J.F.K. on this movie. The conspiracies are eerily similar as well. I loved the way this film was structured. Costa-Gavras was a director who would change the way movies were made forever.

Highest recommendation possible.
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