Unleashed (2005)
21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Like some potty-mouthed Pavlov, crimelord Bart (Hoskins) has reared dog-man Danny (Li) to annihilate gangland rivals whenever his dog collar's removed. However, Danny finally learns the meaning of love and family when he's rescued by Freeman's blind piano tuner and concert pianist stepdaughter. So when a reformed Danny refuses to participate in Mad Max-style death-bouts for baying yuppies, Hoskins sends half of Glasgow after him. "Know what I like about you Danny?" muses Hoskins. "You only have one thought at a time." Unleashed has exactly two thoughts, and its constant lurches between ultra-violence and sentimentality clangs like a falling Steinway. It's nasty, gooey and daft, like a sad-eyed pitbull with an infected bladder. Nevertheless, it had this reviewer crying with laughter throughout, so for sheer entertainment value gets seven stars.
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