A l-o-o-o-n-g goodbye to virginity
22 August 2005
Kudos to Hollywood for its skill in stretching one very unoriginal joke into almost two hours of repetitive gags. So how many times are you going to laugh at a morning woody? Or yet another drunken driving sequence? Or a discussion about women's breats? There's about as much original humor here as in the warnings on a package of Trojans, not to mention an utter lack of erotic tension. Romany Malco displays great timing, Catherine Keener shines (as usual) but headliner Steve Carell sinks a notch or two from his excellent corporate jerk role in The Office. He displays a frozen, deer-in-the-headlights stare that becomes tedious after the first half hour or so. Maybe he has come to the realization that there's very little to laugh about in this overblown and blatantly commercial road to penetration --other than the gross-triggered guffaws of gags built around diverse bodily orifices and organs. 40 Year Old Virgin feels like watching the 30 Years War Plus 10 in real time --minus the action and gore.
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