Review of Chaos

Chaos (I) (2005)
A pointless, ridiculous waste of time.
22 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Villains sometimes win in movies, as in real life. People are sometimes killed in movies, as in real life. Sometimes those deaths are incredibly brutal, as in real life. A good film could even portray concentration camps or genocide from the point of view of the perpetrators and still have significant value for giving some insight into the mind of a butcher or the mental state of a semi-automaton carrying out horrific orders. Indeed it's entirely possibly to get inside the mind of a racist, misogynistic casually brutal killer in a way that can illuminate one's own humanity and potential for savageness as in Jim Thompson's classic noir novel The Killer Inside Me. By watching the exploitive trash that is "Chaos", one will gain no insight into anything. "Chaos" will not help one understand inhumanity, war, genocide, serial killing or anything else. A pointless and graphic exercise in misogyny, brutality, racism and sadism "Chaos" is a physically unsettling film, although not in a way that challenges one's world view or biases. As far as that can be considered a success the movie succeeds.

There are two positive aspects of this film although they are not nearly enough to be dubbed "redeeming". The first is that it is only some 76 minutes long. The second is that the various scenes of gore have above average special effects. I cannot think of a good reason to even mention the acting and the dialogue as neither are really relevant to the film however, both are bad. The dialogue is cliché crap recycled from any number of awful films with immoral or morally ambiguous protagonists and the only acting that seems remotely convincing are scenes of the two young women begging for their lives. They too however, turn in awful performances when not screaming. Chaos is played by Kevin Gage who is currently serving 41 months for growing pot. He shouldn't be in jail for that but he should probably serve some time for the bile he serves up as "acting". His character's mannerisms and delivery are a bit like Sam Elliott just not as cool. It should be pointed out that the writer/director of this film has gone on record as stating that this film somewhat like Wes Craven's horror classic The Last House on the Left (itself an uncredited rip-off of an earlier Bergman film) but better. It cannot be compared to that film though as not only is this film lacking in artistic quality, it's not what I would call a horror film. This film should would be better categorized as gore-porn. For posterity's sake I'm going to end this review by describing a scene from the movie hoping that anyone who somehow feels intrigued by this awful mess will be dissuaded. If you are worried about having your filmgoing experience (or your next meal) spoiled then skip the rest of this review. To be clear, I don't recommend that you read what is below or see the movie. There's no good reason to do either.

Emily is running from the killers. Chaos catches her. She is beaten by Sadie but gets hold of Sadie's knife. She stabs Chaos' son in the balls and runs. Chaos strangles his son to death. Chaos catches Emily. Emily is beaten, stripped and bound naked on the forest floor. Chaos rapes her with a knife and uses it to carve a hole from her anus to her vagina. Chaos informs us that he's gotten an erection but can't rape Emily as he's left no appropriate hole. Emily dies.
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