Resurrection (1999 TV Movie)
Warning - It's A Film For Females
23 August 2005
Clair Miller and her husband are driving along the road one day minding their own business when they're involved in a accident that maims Clair for life and kills her husband . After being told she'll never be able to walk again Clair shocks everybody by walking again . Even more shocking Claire claims she has healing powers that can cure other people

I went in to this film with a vague knowledge of the plot and even though I knew this was a TVM expected it play out in a similar manner to Stephen King's story THE DEAD ZONE . Can you blame me for thinking this ? After all when someone has the supernatural powers to improve the well being of human beings there's many , many people to want to exploit this and I was hoping we'd see a morality tale , something like the episode called Girl Of My Dreams from the 1960s anthology series JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN , but what I got was a very average female friendly TVM that I have seen far , far too often . There's a romantic subplot and lots of arguing with mom and weepy scenes with sick kids and there's even a scene with a litter of puppies while there's no scenes with a mercenary villain or a bitterly ironic ending where the bad guy gets everything he deserves for being greedy . And before you ask there's no men claiming they're impotent and could Clair place her healing hands upon them

To be fair there are a couple of good points like Clair's healing powers having a scientific rationale . All too often in these type of stories there's either no explanation at all for the healing hands or it's all explained via vague mystical nonsense but here it's down to human evolution and DNA . There's also a very spectacular car crash the likes of which I haven't seen in very many big budget Hollywood movies never mind a TVM so at least the stuntmen earned their fees with this production
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