The Forsyte Saga (2002– )
Truly a classic
23 August 2005
Golsworthy himself would be proud if he saw this reproduction of his work. The Forsyte Saga admittedly has a lot to live up to considering the popularity of its predessessor, the 60's series. The cast is truly outstanding to say the least, with Rupert Graves and Gina McKee truly engaging the audience with the plight of their characters and Ioan Gruffudd convincingly portraying a work-a-holic architect whos visions captivate his employers. What will shock most of all is how quickly you learn to care for the characters. I found myself worrying for Irene at every negative turn, but still I pitied the twisted Soames Forsyte despite his evil coldness. The soundtrack will stick with you, be warned. You will love this if you enjoyed Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Tom Jones or Moll Flanders. You wont like this if you cant stand waiting for the next installment, as it does come in long episodes and two series.
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