Going Down (I) (2003)
Going Nowhere
27 August 2005
"American Pie meets Risky Business only better," that is what it says on the box of the DVD. Well if you mean there is a hooker and some clothed oral sex scenes then yeah I see the similarities but better.....um NO!!! The movie is low-budget so I look past the lack of star power, Ed Begley Jr., Dennis Haskins, and the beautiful and underrated Christine Lakin. I look past the poor camera job as many of it looks as if it was shot with a home video camera and I look past the pretty much direct-to-video release (it was released in the US to select theaters) and what do I see....one of the worst "teen sex comedies" I have ever seen, but at least the film sticks to its story.

Two buddies, Jack and Travis, throw a party for Jack on his 18th birthday party while Jack's parents are out of town. Well this must have been one hell of a party as the house was trashed and two party-goers are "dead," too bad we don't get to see any of this outrageous party. The boys wake up from to a phone call from Jack's mom informing him to be at the airport to pick her and his father up because they have decided to end their trip early. So the boys have 3 hours to get the house clean and the bodies out of the house. That's when the girls, sex starved Jamie (super sexy Christine Lakin aka Al from Step By Step) and Laurie (Hope Riley),who's in to whips, show up and they are ready to party, they thought the party was today. Well the boys try and hide the bodies without the girls knowing that they are there so as to not freak them out. They hide the two bodies in the bathroom and let the girls in, that's when one of the bodies starts walking around the house, not dead just badly wasted from the night before.

What later ensues is the arrival of Jamie's ex-boyfriend (and eventually his jock buddies) who wants her to take him back, what an idiot how do you screw things up with such a hot girl, a hooker sent by Jack's uncle Frank (Haskins aka Mr. Belding from Saved By the Bell), the boyfriend of one of a "dead" guy, this character is classic as he gets drunk and just starts going crazy, and a cop, who's gun is taken by said gay guy. There also is a stoner loose in the house. Once they get rid of everyone, it's time for Jack to pick up his parents but he isn't at the airport so his mom calls and says they will take a taxi home. Jack, Travis and the girls now have to get the house cleaned up and they do just before the parents arrive. Does this mean Jack pulled off the "ultimate" party...well you'll have to watch to find out.

Two of the best parts in the whole movie is the sex scene with Jamie, where Christine pulls off a better pleasure sequence then Meg Ryan did in When Harry Met Sally, yes it's that good, well until the last few moments where it just goes overboard and becomes less real. The other part again is the gay character who just becomes so funny when drunk, he gives about 10 good laughs in a film that pushes 15 total.

Also of note Hope Riley does a great job on the song "I'll Kiss Yours, If You'll Kiss Mine," which is really catchy.

Overall 6/10...it's worth a rental.
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