The 1940s House (2001– )
29 August 2005
This program is MUST SEE viewing for anyone with an interest in the 1940's or WWII. To contrast the Hollywood movies of the period with the reality that English citizens were living through at the time is, frankly, a shock. Mrs. Miniver it was not! The family at the center of things take the experiment seriously and that's what makes it work. The entire series of "House" programs has been excellent, and this one is right up there with the best of them. Certainly makes you appreciate how well we have it today, and the people who fought to make it possible.

Every time I watch one of these programs, I come away more grateful than ever for the lifestyle I enjoy today. If I had children, this is definitely a program I would watch with them. I wish they had begun this series of programs when I was young as I feel strongly that while entertaining to watch, the lessons they have to teach make any of us at any age more aware of of how good we really have it.
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