Pterodactyl (2005)
This is ridiculous
30 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe there is anyone out there that thinks this is actually a good movie. I can understand if you like it because it is bad, I understand, but it is in no way a good movie.

First off, Coolio is the worst actor ever, and his "thuggish" special forces CAPTAIN is the most unbelievable character in a film of unbelievable characters. You would think that the least that could be done is some research on actual special forces procedure. And when Coolio dodged a bullet that was fired downward at him from two feet away I about vomited. His death scene was about the worst I have ever seen. And the attempted dramatic tension through idiotic, misused, misplaced shouting was appalling.

To the person that suggested that the biology and physics of this film were sound, think again. Whether it was the way the beasts repeatedly and impossibly ripped people in half while standing, or the eviscerated soldier who was alive way to long, or the sheer plummets that that would but didn't immediately kill people (a fact that I would overlook if the characters had any dramatic dialogue in the time before they die, but they never said a thing. They were alive just long enough for someone to run over to them and they died) or the way that soldier "crossed" the ravine on that rope.

However, most of the major problems were issues that had nothing whatsoever to do with budget. The size of the plot holes in this film are mind-boggling. First, this "covert" operation Coolio and his band of merry men (and a women, who in the US military are not allowed in combat) are on is never very covert, what with the enemy always spotting them, the fire fights and the fact that they make themselves and their mission known to a group of scientists. At one point one of the soldiers says, "We are ghosts." I believe that is ghosts were really that loud that there would be far more sightings. Plus the fact that their mission was a resounding failure. And why did the professor give a gun to the bad guy? What did he think would happen? Second, at the very end when just the professor and Katie are left alive, they seem very happy and pleased with themselves as the walk off. Well, everyone that they came into the forest with died. And they were all their students. It's not like they were all people who were responsible for themselves and, oops!, they died. No, HE was responsible for them and he will have a lot to answer to. Plus, they lest the medic woman and that dorky guy in that house so they would be safe, right? Wheel, they did in fact die (some safe-house that was) but the professor doesn't know that they dies. Shouldn't he go back for them? There are countless other problems but not enough space to site them all. And I will end with the fact that this film has the worst, most ridiculous, and unrealistic action sequences ever and that is a result, not of the effect, but of the acting and directing. Where the hell are these people shooting half the time? If you think this film is in any way good, you need to get fixed whatever is wrong with you.
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