Strike Force (1981–1982)
The Big Gun
2 September 2005
I will always have a warm spot for Robert Stack because he took so many roles that essentially satirized himself and because of his work with "Unsolved Mysteries".

I wish I could see an episode of this series again. What I remember, which may or may not be an accurate recollection, is that whenever gunfire would break out, you'd hear the "pop pop pop" of handguns and at some point Robert Stack would take out what APPEARED to be a normal handgun and "KABOOM"! Wow baby!! THAT is a handgun! It seemed that someone deliberately used a MUCH much louder......uh........hand CANNON noise for Robert Stack's firearm than they used for any other. Well, as has been noted, it WAS the era of he A- Team, and Bob WAS the man!!
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