Blind Injustice (2005 TV Movie)
The blind leading the blind
2 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a big fan of most Lifetime movies and this is another reason why. They tend to be so contrived that they suck. This one is no different.


Blind chick gets attacked and puts the guy away. Oops wrong guy. They let him go and he and the blind chick get chummy (big boobs overcome righteous outrage, I guess). Bad guy escapes jail and goes to teach the blind chick a lesson (even though it was he who blabbed he had raped her). Cop goes to warn her bad guy is loose and gets whacked. Bad guy attacks blind chick who proceeds to kick the crap out of him just as the police arrive. She threatens to cut his throat only to use the oldest line in the "I ain't gonna do it" book, "You're not worth it" stabbing the knife into the ground beside his head then she walks away leaving him with said knife and still conscious. Cops bust bad guy before he goes postal again and uses the knife she left him. Wronged guy comes rushing up getting chummy with the blind chick and they retire to the house to live happily ever after.

Waste your time with this dreck or rent a really fine, taut thriller called "Wait Until Dark" with the always lovely Audrey Hepburn and a very creepy Alan Arkin. She is a blind woman whose husband receives a doll that Arkin wants back very badly. You won't be disappointed with this one.
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