WWE Vengeance (2005 TV Special)
Vengeance Critique
4 September 2005
Vengeance was a pretty decent PPV which had some highlights and some downsides.

1) Intercontinental Match: Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin- a decent match,with Shelton, unfortunately, being screwed out of getting the title back. however there were some good action (apparently Calito is actually wrestling now).- 2/5 2) Victoria vs. Christy: wow...this was a pretty unnecessary match. This match also proved that Christy CANNOT wrestle and she should stick to posing and smiling.- 1/5 3) Kane vs. Edge: This was one of the better match (as opposed to the previous two). Kane finally got the payback he needed against Edge and Lita. I loved the part when Snitsky ran down and attacked Kane.-3/5 4) Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals: Fantastic: the only word to describe it. It was an excellent rematch and I could have sworn that Angle was going to win and then i let out a yell of relief when Angle got a huge sweet chin music. This began the progress of matches becoming actually good at Vengeance.-5/5 5) WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Christian vs. Chris Jericho: A good match. The fact that it was a triple threat made it even better. The highlights were when Cena power-bombed Jericho and ending up super-plexing Christian. Of course, the way Cena used Christian (in the FU position)to hit Jericho and win the match.-4/5 6) World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs. Triple H-HELL IN A CELL: The best match of the night. It was a very good match in which there was blood, violence, weapons, and a victorious Batista. This was the perfect way to end the HHH/ Batisa rivalry. The only reason i saw Vengeance was for this match. The best part was when HHH had the sledgehammer and Batista almost got destroyed but then Batista Bombed HHH for the pin. Overall, an excellent Hell In A Cell.-5/5
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