Hannity & Colmes (1996–2008)
Lie or TRUTH?
6 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Let me ask:

What scares extremist radio talk show host & FOX News star Sean Hannity to the bone?

Freedom? Free speech? Free thought? Free people? He feels insecure in an uncertain universe. Extreme right wingers such as sh*t-eater Sean Hannity crave order and simplicity, and will impose these things where they are not and should never be.

Extreme right wingers such as Sean Hannity care about their feelings, not facts. Facts must either support rigid extremist right wing beliefs, or else the facts must be wrong. Those who present facts which contradict right wing dogma must be evil.

Extreme right wingers such as Sean Hannity support idiotic, even fatal policies because they place utter nonsense over knowledge. They believe using condoms increases the chance of pregnancy and STDs. They think racism is OK, but pointing out racism is "playing the race card."

They want to punish anyone who strays from the fold. They brutally suppress anyone who questions authority, and they always obey abusive controllers.

What scares extreme right wingers to the bone? Essays like this, people like me who write them, and people like you who read them and pass them on.

They are afraid of their own freedom. They are even more afraid of yours.

Avoid Hannity's mockery of a "debate show" as you would an oncoming speeding vehicle.
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