Review of Fridays

Fridays (1980–1982)
Great early 80's comedy/musical show
13 September 2005
I must've been 13 when I saw Fridays, a decidedly adult oriented comedy show that my parents for some reason let me watch. It was insane and even though I got the jokes like 5 years later, I still have very fond memories of FRIDAYS. I knew there was SNL, but where I lived, there was no NBC at the time (Brownsville, TX). I also remember seeing some "bizarre" music on the show. A lady who would chainsaw TV sets (THE PLASMATICS) and a "pop" band playing what I later found out to be punk (DEVO). I became a fan of these bands and heavier stuff thanx to watching FRIDAYS. It's a real shame that only Michael Richards and Larry David commercially survived this TV show (They are rich & famous thanx to SEINFELD), because there were other very talented people involved, especially Mark Blankfield. I remember this Igor impersonation he made; he was outrageous! And Richards character where he played a little kid blowing up his toys, that was hilarious (especially for me, at my age, I was actually DOING that kind of stuff with my toys!!!). I agree with most IMDb users here that a DVD set is due. It really sickens me to see so much TRASH given DVD treatment only to later be seen in the "sale" bin of your local record store and not see something truly worthwhile as FRIDAYS. I even have some episodes taped on Betamax, but my VCR has broken down since and I can't find any repair shop to fix it. I only hope ABC does release this stuff in the near future, before some of its loyal following DIES or become TOO old to care about FRIDAYS.
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