Visually stunning epic drama.
14 September 2005
Based on the novel by Corrine Hofmann, this is the incredible true story of a woman from Switzerland who pursues and eventually marries a Masai warrior in Kenya.

The story itself is riveting, made more impressive and captivating as it is based in fact.

The film contains three languages - German, English, and Maa. But even with this mix of language, the subtitles (which were unfortunately quite poorly done) weren't even a real necessity as so much of the story is so clearly communicated without the need for language.

German director Hermine Huntgeburth expertly captured the beauty and culture of this part of the world.

This by far wasn't the 'biggest' gala presentation at this year's Toronto International Film Festival, but it left the fortunate audience captivated by the story and the visual beauty.

Definitely worth checking out.
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