Not nearly as artsy and confusing as the other comments make it out to be.
18 September 2005
The ending (actually the entire film) is very easy to understand. Sure you watch it and don't really understand all that you are seeing while you are seeing it, but if you pay attention even a little bit it is all clear at the end. I would compare this film to the Twilight Zone in feel. It is more concerned with the artistic aspects and emotional impact of film making than the average Twilight Zone was, but it is basically the same type of story. And to think that the Twilight Zone was once not only a mainstream idea of storytelling, but a rather popular one at that. Now anything along those lines is seen as confusing and "artsy". What ever happened to being able to remember things seen over twenty minutes (the length of this film) and put two and two together on your own without being spoon fed every little bit of meaning directly? I, for one, would rather be treated like a more intelligent viewer than I may actually be than to instantly have it assumed that I am a dullard who can't figure out the meaning of a story without it being laid out plainly, and explained completely.
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