Alien Abduction..? Not my cup of tea..!
25 September 2005
I saw this film yesterday.. I thought well at first.. it was gonna be one of those good ol' B-movie.. But it turned out that it wasn't as entertaining as I thought.. It starts out good at first but then all of sudden we get sucked into what's suppose to be this alien world.. But as the film unfolded more I wanted to stop the DVD.. but I said 'Well, I'll keep on watching and see what happens..'

I don't want to give anything much away.. but I think after you watched the film.. You ask yourself 'Is it really worth watching?' I know there are other good alien B-movies out there, that are well made.. But this one was a bit disappointing..

So, I saw the film. It's a thumbs down for me.. The special effects? Well..? OK! It was worth it! But all in all, it's not my cup of tea at the end of the day.. Sorry, but this dosen't work out for me..
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