Well Made But Lacks Integrity
26 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!!

Ron Howard's A BEAUTIFUL MIND shares something in common with SLEEPERS , PAPILLION and THE EXCORCISM OF EMILY ROSE in that it claims to be a true story but when you stop to examine the truth you realise that it's not really a true story at all . Perhaps I'm being unfair in comparing it to the aforementioned because in reality the story is similar to Oliver Stone's adaptation of MIDNIGHT EXPRESS in that the source material is based upon a real character but the film invents it's own version of reality

Professor John Nash was a mathematical genius but he was also a bi-sexual and a rabid anti- Semite , you wouldn't know this from seeing Akiva Goldsman screenplay where he's deeply in love with Alicia . I guess centering a story around a romantic subplot adds to the film's commercial appeal , never let truth get in the way of good box office . Unfortunately the producers decide to introduce an espionage subplot where it's revealed later on is part of a schizophrenic delusion suffered by Nash . This subplot is very insulting to anyone with any knowledge or experience of schizophrenia because the victim wouldn't suffer the type of delusions seen here . He would suffer from things like abstract signals where the television would try to contact him etc , a schizophrenic wouldn't find himself meeting mysterious men in black or finding himself with a room mate who is part of his imagination etc

There are somethings that make Howard's film worth seeing , things like Crowe's performance which might have won him an Oscar if it wasn't down to Academy politics . Connelly's award for best supporting actress was well deserved as was James Horner's nomination for score though perhaps Ed Harris might be upset about not being nominated for best supporting actor . I have to be honest and say that despite director Ron Howard and writer Akiva Goldsman making an interesting movie about mathematics neither of them deserved the Oscar that year . Best director and best adapted screenplay should have gone to FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING along with the Oscar for best picture

And remember if you want to know about the real John Nash please read Sylvia Nasar's biography and ignore this Hollywood version
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