Moving documentary - def. worth seeing!
5 October 2005
I saw 39 Pounds of Love at the Edmonton film festival. I wasn't sure what to except, however, this film far exceeded my expectations. Ami Ankilewitz, whom the documentary is about, breaks down all the established notions of what living with a "disability" is like. He is smart, adventurous, girl-crazy and really funny! The journey he goes on in the film, to make peace with himself and with others, is such a universal story that I can't imagine someone not relating to him in some way.

I left the theater with the feeling that I had experienced something really special. Top notch film-making with a truly compelling story. The visuals and music were on par with docs like Mad Hot Ballroom and My Architect. And most importantly, I think Ami's story has the potential to move people in extraordinary ways.

I don't want to give much away, so I will just say if you have the opportunity to see the film (opening in NY 11/23 at Landmark Sunshine Theatre) - GO SEE IT. You will be glad you did...
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