Obsessed (2002 TV Movie)
Nice movie based on true story???
10 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Obsessed is a nice movie for a nice evening.

Its mainly he-said/she-said movie because its taken from a true trial case. And like all movies that fit into this class, director has put an extra effort to make the judgement (in real case) look like as if it is truth.

Shouldn't we say 'Based on true trial case' rather than 'Based on true story' because nobody knows the truth except Ellaina and Doctor Stillman themselves. Judgement of court is based on facts and everybody who has seen a real-life trial knows how lawyers and liars bend them easily.

Ellain(Jenna Elfman) is a successful medical writer who is obsessed with a neurosurgeon Dr Stillman. Although this is exposed very slowly till the end.

Ellain is shown to be schizophrenic just because it aids true trial case outcome. Movie could have been excellent, if facts from both sides were given similar treatment by director and he had left decision in hands of viewers.

Not to mention, Jenna's performance is amazing.

One of the dialogues in the movie(may not be accurate): Dr Stillman: "You are amazing." Ellaina: "I like it when you say that word. Say it again."

Jenna you are amazing ;P
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