great film
10 October 2005
This movie was directed by Rouben Mamoulian and this was basically the only action movie he directed and probably his best film, he made one more movie with Tyrone Power a year later called Blood And Sand and that was pretty bad. This is also one of Power's best movies and much better than Jesse James the year before. Their isn't much to the plot that you need to know like Power coming back from Spain and finding his father thrown out of power by a dictator and the people are starving. His father can't or won't do anything so Power decides to become Zorro. Basil Rathbone is the dictator's top bodyguard and a top swordsman. Linda Darnell is the dictator's daughter who winds up getting married to Power through an arranged marriage. This is much better then the remake in 98 called The Mask Of Zorro and a great movie.
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