Kinda like a real-life "Firefly," but boring
11 October 2005
A PBS documentary from the early nineties, its definitely showing its age. The show's basically a bunch of short skits (alternately funny and bizarre) with minor celebrities interspersed with actual predictions and explanations from scientists. Unfortunately some of those predictions are of the "By the end of the century we'll be doing something completely ridiculous like living on the moon. No seriously, we will," variety.

It was well thought out, I'll give them that. Segments like the one on interior design in space are thought-provoking, and probably would be a real concern for the first space pioneers (they talk about how things like furniture and wall colors will need to change to stave off boredom and insanity), even if it seems a bit trivial.

What I really thought was interesting was, early on, one of the scientists mentions that space exploration would be like frontier life. They then showed scenes of space travel paralleled with the taming of the west. Maybe I've got "Firefly" on the brain, but the first thing I thought was, "Holy crap, Joss Whedon must've seen this." Maybe he didn't, but its still not a bad little program if you can find it.
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