a Hulk Smash
12 October 2005
This free-roaming Hulk game a la the recent 2 Spider-Man games, is just such a blast to play. Reasonably tight controls, a vast array of moves in your arsenal (after you buy most of them) and great voice acting. Donnie Wahlberg as Samson, Ron Perlman as The Abomination, and especially Richard Moll as Devil Hulk, who has the funniest (some would say homoerotic) lines, all shine here. As does the one-time Hulk comic book writer Paul Jenkins storyline (for the most part, as the ending leaves something to be desired. Lackluster ending aside, this game is hands down the best Hulk game out there and for added joy after you beat the game you can choose to buy Savage Banner Mode, which is just funny as hell.

My Grade: A great game NEEDS a great ending, so I have to give this one a solid B+
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