very interesting
17 October 2005
Well, my friends and I saw this film at the Woods Hole Film Festival and found it to be very interesting. A lot of the local stuff that showed there was only so-so but this one really stood out for us - first of all there were tons of people waiting to get in to the screening dressed like the film's major characters (particularly Erin) which surprised us. The film itself was really well-shot and the story and acting were a cut above what we were used to seeing at festivals. I'm sure other postings already hit on this, but the score was amazing and the cinematography really stood out - lots of interesting colors, some desolate wide shots and really inventive camera angles. Keep in mind this is a twisted and sad fairy tale, not a straight-up horror film, but it manages to be fun, campy, really dramatic and pretty eerie all in 90 minutes. It certainly deserved the Best Picture award it got there - we're waiting now to see it in a proper theater!
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