Eggshells (1971)
Interesting Taste of Late Sixties Austin
17 October 2005
I saw this film in Austin, Texas, where it was shot, back in the hippie days when I was in college. I just want to comment that I remember being impressed because it was "different" from the Hollywood movies I'd grown up seeing. It was the first movie I saw that struck me as somebody having fun making the movie, rather than whether or not the movie itself was good. I hesitate to comment much on the movie because it has been about 35 years since I saw it. But I can say that many times over the years it has popped back into my mind and I've thought "Hey, I'd like to see that one again." I don't remember anything about the plot. In fact, I'm pretty sure there is not much, if any, plot in the usual sense. What I do remember vividly is a great sequence of a paper airplane sailing through the air the way anybody who has ever folded and thrown one would LIKE for it to fly!
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