Cluttered and confused
23 October 2005
This film works desperately at attacking our consumer driven culture and does it in a hip-hop style by putting outrageous words in the mouths of politicians. These get repeated over and over to the point of irritation. Several times I wanted to turn it off but thought it had to get better. It doesn't. I don't know what all the scenes in Cuba were about unless it was to intercut their rationed lifestyle with our own excessive one but then there was the interview with the Cuban teenager who had nothing but admiration for the capitalism when she visited seems to negate all of that.

A manic Mike Balmer whipping what looks like the entire staff of Microsoft into a frenzy of love for the company serves no purpose that I could see. So we're all drones? Yeah, so what now? We keep seeing a wooden hammer being driven into something, a long scene of boats been taken apart in India (for the salvage value of the steel) goes nowhere, nor do the grinning faces of the labourers working on these boats. Are they happier than the Microsoft labourers? I don't think so. The point being then?

I was prepared to like this, being appalled by the gas guzzling, corporate shilling, polluting entities we have all become. But I couldn't. There just wasn't enough in this little bomb to sink the teeth into. I give it a 4 out of 10 for making me briefly reflect on Fidel and Cuba, which I have visited, and our mad North American consumerism and agreeing on this one thing, yes, it is all coming to an end.
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