Glamorised pornography and documentary on disgusting personalities
24 October 2005
The Suicide Girls have had a website going for quite some time with huge success. The premise for the website is simple – pin-up pictures of girls who look kind of Gothic, with lots of tattoos and piercings. The DVD documents their first tour. What do they do on this tour? Two things – act like absolute bitches and perform strip shows. The shows are very similar to what you would see at an upper class strip joint, except the girls act punk. The drink on stage, spit on the crowd, yell abuse and give everyone the finger. They fight the "traditional model image", so some of them are not so pretty. Some are very attractive (personalities aside) however. You also see some of the porn photo shoots for the website.

It's the interviews that really make this DVD so terrible. The girls are terribly behaved animals. They are extremely self-righteous about the pornography they produce. They claim it includes real women of all shapes and sizes and makes them feel good about being women. There is a notable exclusion of any black women or fat women, however, and it really is porn just the same as playboy or hustler. They brag about how alternative they are and naively believe they do not conform to any sort of image when they clearly do. The interviews are also cut together terribly. The jump cuts used are poorly done and film school students would do a much better job. The stage footage looks like home video footage.

The girls are very nasty, angry, confused beings who you would not want to be friends with. This is made most obvious in a sickening scene in which one girl recounts a sexual experience she had. In this she seduced a shy guy and then preceded to assault him, biting his chest so that he required hospitilisation and stitches. She explains this giggling and excitedly and as if we are to think it is cool. Imagine if this was a man talking about such an assault on a woman...

Some of the music on the DVD is really fantastic. It is the saving grace of the film. One of the extras on the DVD is the Probot video for "Shake Your Blood". This features the hottest of the Suicide Girls and is a great video for a great song. There are some outtakes from the interviews which are dull. There are some clips of the girls playing "practical jokes" – being nasty, horrible people again. There is also a "no talking" feature which allows you to watch the movie without the interviews, which would be better, although if that's your bag, just get a Gothic porno.

I gave this two stars instead of one as it was visually interesting for about 5 minutes and the music was great. The fact that this is seen as "the new face of feminism" is truly disturbing and dangerously incorrect.
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