Police Woman (1973)
This film is rubbish
26 October 2005
I agree, this film isn't good. For a start Jackie is a bad guy? Which is weird to see, also he fights badly, even the taxi driver can beat him. No one in the film is bothered to fight, every character, at least once tried to run over someone! The filming wasn't done very well either, the camera keeps cutting of people while they're talking so you can see the person stood next to them and a tiny bit of the person talkings face. There isn't any chemistry between the main character, when the Taxi driver goes to rescue her, it just seems pointless and we think that he wouldn't bother in real life, just phone the police. Jackie Chan is hardly in it, and when he is, he isn't convincing as a bad guy. Jackie stick to the good guy and don't put that mole on again!
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