A Chaotic movie.
31 October 2005
I went to my local DVD rental store and i saw this movie in the list.

The description was intriguing. The police hunts a former police officer, able to use dark magic powers, that has escaped from prison in mysterious circumstances. I thought that mixing police and black magic was an unusual but interesting idea. Maybe it could be, but not in this movie.

From the first second to the last the movie was a continued and foolish cut and paste of scenes that always seemed disconnected among them. When you expected that someone was going to explain to you what was happening the scene changes radically and you can only feel something like "What the heck is happening now?"

The characters are badly introduced to the audience and it's impossible to understand why they are doing what they do. The only interesting character is Itti, the bad guy of the movie, but the attempts of explaining it's past are only confusing as is impossible to understand why he has his powers and why he is using them like that.

This is an awful film and I suggest to avoid it if you can!
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